Sunday, 8 March 2009

Flying Blonde

The plane is on its way to Houston , when a blonde in economy class gets up
and moves to the first class section and sits down.

The flight attendant watches her do this and asks to see her ticket. She
then tells the blonde that she paid for economy class and that she will
have to sit back in her seat.

The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Houston , and
I'm staying right here."

The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and the
co-pilot that there is a blonde sitting in first class who belongs in
economy and won't move back to her seat.

The co-pilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because she
only paid for economy, she will have to leave and return to her seat.
The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Houston , and
I'm staying right here."

The co-pilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the police
waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman who won't listen to reason.
The pilot says, "You say she's a blonde? I'll handle this. I'm married to a blonde. I speak blonde."

He goes back to the blonde and whispers in her ear, and she says, "Oh, I'm
sorry." And she gets up and goes back to her seat in economy.

The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and ask him what he said to
make her move without any fuss.
He replies, "I told her, `First class isn't going to Houston .'"

Facebook status updates are a funny old game. Of course it's imperative that you let all of your friends know exactly how your hangover's progressing or what you're planning to have for dinner. But if you are bored with your same old Facebook statuses, here is a way to get inspired and maybe even make someone laugh.

Everyone loves a good joke. However, there's more to humor than punch lines. If you're able to find the humor in any situation or the humorous side of your own faults, you can make people laugh. So toss the joke book, develop other areas of your humor and leave 'em rolling in the aisles.

Check out If you're looking for free and funny ringtones. They have someone for either for a real cheap price, like a dollar or free. Click in the comedy category, there are some free ones you can download. Not a large variety, but some funny ones to download to your phone.