Thursday, 1 January 2009

Shocking Bowling


The Origin of Bowling:

The sport of bowling originated in Afghanistan. It was used as a way of resolving conflicts between feuding tribes before they would resort to all out war.

The tribe elders ceremoniously rolled the skull of a sacrificed virgin and believed the Gods would guide the skull to a wise decision. The eye sockets and nose cavity were used as the three finger holes we know today.

Facebook status updates are a funny old game. Of course it's imperative that you let all of your friends know exactly how your hangover's progressing or what you're planning to have for dinner. But if you are bored with your same old Facebook statuses, here is a way to get inspired and maybe even make someone laugh.

Everyone loves a good joke. However, there's more to humor than punch lines. If you're able to find the humor in any situation or the humorous side of your own faults, you can make people laugh. So toss the joke book, develop other areas of your humor and leave 'em rolling in the aisles.

Check out If you're looking for free and funny ringtones. They have someone for either for a real cheap price, like a dollar or free. Click in the comedy category, there are some free ones you can download. Not a large variety, but some funny ones to download to your phone.